Category: Water Quality
Reasons to Consider a Whole-House Water Filtration System
With back-to-school season in full swing, it’s time to ensure your home is ready for the busy months ahead. But school supplies and early bedtimes aren’t the only things to focus on. Amidst all the prep, one important consideration that might be overlooked is the quality of the water your family consumes on a daily… Continue reading Reasons to Consider a Whole-House Water Filtration System
Common Signs of Poor Water Quality
Most homeowners simply assume that their tap water is healthy enough to cook with and drink, but that’s not always the case. Poor Water Quality Even water that looks, tastes, and smells just fine can contain high amounts of impurities that can be potentially harmful to your health as well as your home’s plumbing and… Continue reading Common Signs of Poor Water Quality
How to Eliminate Hard Water
Hard water, at times, can be hardly noticeable. And Eliminate Hard Water more than 90% of home water supplies – city or well – have at least trace levels of calcium and magnesium. These are leading causes of hard water and, once the levels get too high, can cause serious damage, inconvenience, and costs you… Continue reading How to Eliminate Hard Water
Common Signs of Contaminated Tap Water
It’s estimated that 90% or more home water supplies are Tap Water Contamination to some extent. And now for the good news: the degree of contamination in most homes is not enough to negatively impact your healthy or plumbing fixtures and pipes. But let’s say you have a water quality issue more serious than the… Continue reading Common Signs of Contaminated Tap Water
Clean, Purified Water. Straight from Your Faucet.
We live in a time when everyone is conscious of personal health and Purified Water hygiene issues. With a global pandemic raging through our communities, how could we think otherwise? In response, we’re wearing masks, washing our hands multiple times a day, practicing social distancing, and taking other precautions. However, when you think about it,… Continue reading Clean, Purified Water. Straight from Your Faucet.
The Benefits of Home Water Filtration
Here’s one of life’s little ironies: nothing is more essential to our bodies than water, and yet most people don’t treat water quality as a high priority – at least not enough to ensure that their home water supply is as clean and pure as possible. Why is that? There are probably a few reasons, including… Continue reading The Benefits of Home Water Filtration
Do I Need a Water Filter?
Every time you pour a glass of water, boil a pound of pasta, or wash your kid in the tub, you want to BELIEVE you have high quality water. Either that, or you’re so confident that you do, it doesn’t even cross your mind. While about 95% of all household water contains some degree of… Continue reading Do I Need a Water Filter?
The Benefits of a Home Water Softener
Hard water can make a mess of things in your home. home water Once you see any signs of it, you’ll want to take action; otherwise, conditions will get worse. Here’s how you know – or can at least suspect – you have home water: Funny tasting or smelling water. Some people say hard water… Continue reading The Benefits of a Home Water Softener
How to Improve Home Water Quality
What do volatile organic compounds, lead, and pesticides have in common? Long-term home water quality exposure to these substances – even at extremely low levels – can cause adverse health effects. What’s more, these and other common pollutants are commonly found in residential drinking water. While the U.S. has some of the best tasting and… Continue reading How to Improve Home Water Quality