Category: Indoor Air Quality
5 Reasons to Take Your Shoes Off at Home
In many cultures, it is customary to remove your shoes before entering a home. In fact, failing to do so can be seen as a sign of disrespect. But cultural customs aside, many households in the U.S. also adopt a “no shoes indoors” rule, and for good reason. While it may seem like a small… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Take Your Shoes Off at Home
6 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Humidity Level
The cold weather months bring cozy sweaters, hearty soups, and nights spent in front of a crackling fire. They also bring dry indoor air and all the discomforts that come with it like static electricity, chapped lips, and dry skin. You see, once heating season arrives, natural humidity levels drop significantly, making our homes feel… Continue reading 6 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Humidity Level
How to Win the Fight Against Allergy Season
Here it is – allergy season. And according to experts, it starts earlier, lasts longer, and makes life downright unbearable for many. And if you think you’re safe from allergy triggers the minute you step into your home, think again. On average, the air indoors is twice as polluted as outdoor air. Here’s just some… Continue reading How to Win the Fight Against Allergy Season
New Carpet Odors Can Make You Sick
“New” can be a wonderful scent. A new car with leather interior, an carpet Easter Lily for Mom, freshly baked lasagna – to say nothing of the perfect scent of a newborn child. “New”, on the other hand, can be highly over-rated. New coats of stain and varnish on a hardwood floor can leave you… Continue reading New Carpet Odors Can Make You Sick
How to Observe Clean Air Month
Once again, it’s May, when Clean Air Month is observed. While it’s common to think of outdoor air pollution when the topic comes up, the truth is otherwise. In fact, and on average, indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. When you also consider that we spend about 90% of… Continue reading How to Observe Clean Air Month
Benefits of a Home Dehumidifier
You know how you can tell your AC system is no longer a spring chicken? Actually, there Home Dehumidifier are plenty of indications but, for purposes of this blog, we’re going to focus on just one. The older the AC system, the more it loses its ability to remove excess humidity from your home. You’re… Continue reading Benefits of a Home Dehumidifier
How to Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality
Does your home seem unusually dusty? Are you constantly Indoor Air battling the sniffles? Is static electricity a persistent problem? If so, these are just signs of contaminated indoor air, something that negatively impact your family’s health and the comfort you depend on. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, approximately 50%… Continue reading How to Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality
Some House Plants Can Help Clean Your Indoor Air
If you or other family members constantly feel like you have a cold, Indoor Air Purifying chances are you don’t. Instead, it’s more likely you’re struggling with allergies, asthma, or some other respiratory ailment caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air. And if that’s the case, you’re far from alone. In fact, indoor air (on… Continue reading Some House Plants Can Help Clean Your Indoor Air