Category: HVAC Services
How to Size a Ductless Mini-Split System
Your dream of a room addition, finished basement, or attic Ductless Mini-Split System conversion is finally coming true. There’s just one problem – how do you heat and cool the area if expanding your existing HVAC system is cost prohibitive or impractical? A ductless mini-split system may just be the solution you’re looking for. Although… Continue reading How to Size a Ductless Mini-Split System
Benefits of a Wall-Mounted AC System
Poor ductless air systems. How do they make it through a Wall Mounted AC day without wondering who and what they are? You’d have trouble too if you had more names – a lot more – than you really needed. Should they answer to ductless air systems? Mini-splits? Mini AC units? Wall-mounted AC units? And… Continue reading Benefits of a Wall-Mounted AC System
4 Good Reasons to Purchase a Ductless Air System
Just in case you’re not sure what a ductless air system is or how this technology even came about, here’s a quick primer. A ductless air system, as the name suggests, is a combined heating and cooling system that delivers conditioned air without the need for air ducts. Instead, the “headquarters” of a ductless system… Continue reading 4 Good Reasons to Purchase a Ductless Air System