Category: Heating
8 Signs Your Heating System is Wasting Energy
As winter descends and the temperature drops, heating systems become essential lifelines, providing warmth and comfort. However, when these systems operate inefficiently, they can become silent thieves, siphoning off energy and money without us even realizing it. In this blog, we’ll explore the subtle signs that your heating system might be wasting energy and money,… Continue reading 8 Signs Your Heating System is Wasting Energy
Why Fall Is The Best Time for Heating System Maintenance
Timing is everything. Whether it’s delivering the punchline of a joke, hitting a home run, or leaving the house 5 minutes early to avoid sitting in traffic, these and countless other examples show just how important great timing can be. When it comes to your home, scheduling maintenance and repairs at the right time can… Continue reading Why Fall Is The Best Time for Heating System Maintenance
What’s that Foul Furnace Odor?
In general, your furnace should be seen and – other than regular cycling on and Foul Furnace Odor off – not heard. And most certainly not smelled! Is your nose getting a whiff of an unusual odor from your furnace? And if so, how can you be sure whether it’s nothing to worry about or… Continue reading What’s that Foul Furnace Odor?
Is An Annual Furnace Inspection Really Necessary?
Many things in life require regular check-ups and maintenance, from dental visits to annual physicals to your car’s routine oil changes. Your home’s furnace is no exception. In fact, failing to have this essential service performed can shave years off the unit’s lifespan, drive up heating costs, and can even void the manufacturer’s warranty. Simply… Continue reading Is An Annual Furnace Inspection Really Necessary?
Why Your Heating System is Blowing Cold Air
You’re inside your home, beginning to shiver Heating System as the temperature outside dips lower and lower. Hey, it’s winter, nothing unusual about that. Still, something’s not right since it’s getting colder and colder indoors too. Which makes you wonder: What’s going on with my furnace? So, let’s figure it out. 1. Someone changed the… Continue reading Why Your Heating System is Blowing Cold Air
Is Your Heating System Failing? Here’s How to Tell.
Spoiler alert: your heating system won’t last forever. In fact, if you live in your home long enough, your system is certain to fail. Is there a “good news” side to this story? Well, sort of – and that is, heating systems rarely fail without first issuing warning signals. So, if you take note of… Continue reading Is Your Heating System Failing? Here’s How to Tell.
Common Furnace Warning Signs
When it comes to home heating problems, there are plenty Furnance Warning of people who live in the land of “denial”. As in, it practically takes indoor popsicle toes before it sinks in that their furnace isn’t acting up to par. Luckily, there are plenty of warning signs that tell you “don’t wait until things… Continue reading Common Furnace Warning Signs
The Benefits of Converting from Oil to Gas Heat
If you have oil heat then, from one year to the next, you can’t count on paying about the same as the year before. Could be more, less, or about the same – you just don’t know. When the price of oil is down, you’re happy, of course. When it goes up…well, you see where… Continue reading The Benefits of Converting from Oil to Gas Heat
Furnace Fuel Efficiency – How Much is Enough?
Let’s say your furnace is on its last legs. It’s been a long, comfortable ride, but repair bills are mounting and, sooner or later, you’re going to face that dreaded “one repair bill too many.” Let’s further assume you’ve decided to replace it now and not wait for the bitter end when it completely fails.… Continue reading Furnace Fuel Efficiency – How Much is Enough?
How to Prevent Heat Loss
In some homes, heat so easily escapes outdoors that its occupants are tempted to jump out a window after it. Kind of a drastic step, and one we don’t recommend. What we do recommend is discovering and employing practical ways to prevent heat loss and reduce your utility costs at the same time. The result… Continue reading How to Prevent Heat Loss