Category: Home & Lifestyle
5 New Year Resolutions for Your Home
Yes, it’s that time of year again — time to start thinking about goals to work toward for the next 12 months. A new year provides a fresh start and the freedom to put the past in the past. As you ponder ways to improve your health, fitness, relationships, or finances, don’t forget to set… Continue reading 5 New Year Resolutions for Your Home
8 Guest Room Ideas to Make Guests Feel Welcome
The holiday season is all about warmth, togetherness, and making memories with family and friends. If you’re hosting guests in your home, creating a cozy and comfortable guest room is one of the best ways to make your overnight visitors feel welcome. Whether your guests are staying for a night, a weekend, or several weeks,… Continue reading 8 Guest Room Ideas to Make Guests Feel Welcome
5 Reasons to Take Your Shoes Off at Home
In many cultures, it is customary to remove your shoes before entering a home. In fact, failing to do so can be seen as a sign of disrespect. But cultural customs aside, many households in the U.S. also adopt a “no shoes indoors” rule, and for good reason. While it may seem like a small… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Take Your Shoes Off at Home
10 Spring Cleaning Tricks to Make Your Life Easier
As much as we may love winter, by the time spring comes along, many homeowners are ready to welcome the sunshine, warmth, and fresh start it brings with it. And what better way to welcome the season than by embracing the annual tradition of spring cleaning. Okay, maybe cleaning isn’t the way you’d love to… Continue reading 10 Spring Cleaning Tricks to Make Your Life Easier
Surprising Uses for WD-40 Around the House
WD-40, that trusty can of lubricant tucked away in garages and toolboxes, is renowned for its ability to silence squeaks and loosen stubborn bolts. However, its potential extends far beyond those traditional uses. This versatile product holds a myriad of unexpected applications around the house, revolutionizing the way we tackle everyday problems. Let’s delve into… Continue reading Surprising Uses for WD-40 Around the House
Combat Cold & Flu: Home Disinfection Tips
Cold and flu season can seem to drag on for months on end. No escape, no respite. That’s not quite the reality, of course, but you know what they say about perception. How about your family? Are you caught in a vicious cycle, sort of like a relay race, where one member hands off the… Continue reading Combat Cold & Flu: Home Disinfection Tips
Your Complete Stain Removal Guide
The gatherings and festivities may be over but those spills and splotches on your sofa, rug, and sweater can linger forever – unless you act swiftly and follow our stain removal tips to erase every last trace. No need to cry over spilled red wine. Follow along as we share 9 of the most common… Continue reading Your Complete Stain Removal Guide
The Therapeutic Value of a Warm Bath
Everyone knows a hot bath is good for you, Therapeutic Value but do you know all the reasons why? There are several, actually, and too many to squeeze into this one space. But we have several we’d like to share with you so you can start taking fuller advantage of the healing power that’s right… Continue reading The Therapeutic Value of a Warm Bath
How to Reduce Home Cooling Costs
There’s nothing quite like relaxing inside your air-conditioned home on a hot summer day. But keeping your AC system running day after day adds a Home Cooling Costs fair chunk to your monthly overhead. So, how does one go about reducing their energy expense load? Keep reading, because there are more solid available means than… Continue reading How to Reduce Home Cooling Costs
8 Surprising Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide
It’s spring cleaning season; a time to throw open the windows, dust off the HVAC systems cobwebs, and breathe new life into your home. But if you’re reaching for chemical and fragrance-filled cleaners to get the job done, you could be doing more harm than good. Instead, look to healthier alternatives – ones that you… Continue reading 8 Surprising Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide