Category: Home & Lifestyle
8 Household Uses for Vinegar
You may not have the plain white variety, but it’s easy enough to get at your local supermarket. And it’s called distilled with vinegar. If you don’t already have a bottle, you’ll want to buy one today, if not sooner! Why, because it has more uses than you can shake a sponge at. Here several,… Continue reading 8 Household Uses for Vinegar
How to Prevent Dry Winter Skin
Do you suffer from dry, itchy skin, especially during the winter months? If so, you know how uncomfortable and even painful that can be. If you happen to have other skin issues like eczema, the freezing temps, blistery wind, and dry indoor air can make worsen your skin problems. And now for the good news: … Continue reading How to Prevent Dry Winter Skin
How to Prepare Your Home for Winter.
Fall is marked a gradual reduction of temperatures, nature’s display of dazzling outdoor colors, lots of kids’ activities on and off recreational fields, harvest fairs, and the like. In short, you have your hands full just keeping up with work and all the extra family activities. But, take our advice, and don’t get too wrapped… Continue reading How to Prepare Your Home for Winter.
How to Keep Your Home Flu-Free
The flu season comes, and the flu season goes. The only real question is how many people will it affect in any given year. If you truly do not want to be among that number, then take these prevent flu tips to heart: Get a Flu Shot Obviously, this is between you and your primary… Continue reading How to Keep Your Home Flu-Free
Problems to Expect When Remodeling Your Home
Owning a home can be full of surprises, both good and bad. Discovering a box full of antique, collectible coins in the attic? Very good! Discovering that hidden critters have chewed through your electrical wiring in the basement? Very bad. Some of the most frustrating discoveries occur during home remodeling projects. There you are, trying… Continue reading Problems to Expect When Remodeling Your Home
Summer Home Maintenance Tips
Already you’ve dusted off the patio furniture and outdoor toys. Your garden hoses are reconnected, lawn furniture is cleaned and back in use, and you have plenty of sunscreen on hand, don’t to mention some aloe-based lotion just in case. And that’s just a small part of your summer time ritual. But here’s the question: … Continue reading Summer Home Maintenance Tips
The Most Common Summer Allergens
If you’re an allergy sufferer, you know that spending time outside can be “kind of a drag.” Instead of breathing in the fresh outdoor air, you’re tiring yourself out from all the coughing and sneezing. Instead of cheering on your son’s or daughter’s youth league team, you’re rubbing those itchy, watery eyes. And while most… Continue reading The Most Common Summer Allergens
How to Remove Hard Water Stains
Here is another in a never-ending sequence of “good news/bad news” stories. This one starts with your pearly white tub, shower enclosure, and tub, the ones you were so pleased with when they were first installed. week after week, you’ve shown your appreciation for these bathroom upgrades by vigorously cleaning them along with everything else… Continue reading How to Remove Hard Water Stains
How to Keep Warm in Extreme Cold
When temperatures drop below freezing, staying safe and warm can be challenging. All of a sudden you think twice about walking your kids to school, what to wear Extreme Cold when walking the dog, and wonder if you’ve done enough to ensure the reliability of your heating system. For these and many other severe winter… Continue reading How to Keep Warm in Extreme Cold