Woman holding a cup of warm water
Boost your health with warm water

Ah, nothing quite like the taste and feel of Water Benefits  a nice cold glass of water. Or is there?

Well, maybe not in terms of refreshment, but there are multiple health benefits of making warm water part of your daily diet. Let’s examine a few of them.

Aid to Digestion

Start your day off with a very warm cup of water to help flush out built-up toxins. Water, warm or cold, will break down food in your stomach, but warm water does the job faster for greater ease of digestion.

Relief from Constipation

What causes constipation? It’s a lack of water in your body. Once again, warm water outperforms cold water by more quickly breaking down foods inside your stomach.

Pain Relief

Warm water, considered to be nature’s most powerful home remedy, can help alleviate pain from menstruation to headaches. Warm water has a calming effect on abdominal muscles; plus, it increases blood flow to the skin to help relax muscle cramps.

Weight Loss

Warm water increases body temperature, which in turn increases the rate of metabolism. In the process, your body will burn more calories than normal while enabling improved gastrointestinal and kidney function.

Improved Blood Circulation

Bodily fat deposits along with deposits in the nervous system are purged by warm water. The fewer the deposits, the better your blood circulation.

Halts Premature Aging

The presence of bodily toxins causes us to age faster, but the process can be slowed via a steady consumption of warm water.

If you can’t get past the taste or temperature, try drinking your morning ration of warm water with a slice of lemon. But don’t let the water get too warm as that can damage tissue in the mouth and esophagus. In fact, play it extra safe by consulting with your doctor before launching into warm water consumption.

What do you need to maintain a regular supply of warm water? A well-functioning water heater. So, if yours is showing any signs of age or wear and tear, contact Anthony’s Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for prompt service and the right solution.