Efficient Variable Speed AC System
Enjoy comfort & savings with variable speed AC.

Just for a moment, consider your Variable Speed AC  typical marathon, a 26.2-mile race of endurance.

Every participant paces themselves.  At different times they might turn up the pace as part of their strategy, slow things down when they must, but still manage to run without stopping.

Here’s how not to run a marathon: in a series of sprints.  You know, start with a 400-yard dash to get a good lead on the competition, take a break, and then run a series of sprints until the race is over.  There’s no rule that says you can’t, but nobody does.   Why?  Because it’s horribly inefficient and a certain to fail.

Now you know the point and purpose of a variable speed air conditioner.  Its fan never stops running. Instead, it kicks into a second speed when you need more cool air, then reverts to the slower speed once the higher temperature is achieved. Steady operation is way more efficient than a series of stops and starts…just like you experience with an older, one-speed system.  The constant on and off operation results in more wear and tear, greater energy consumption, higher utility bills and, ultimately, a shorter system lifespan.

Are you considering replacing your AC system?  If so, contact Anthony’s Plumbing Heating & Air today for a free in-home consultation and new system proposal. We’ll answer all your questions and demonstrate the kind of energy savings you can expect when you switch to variable speed.