
Already you’ve dusted off the patio furniture and outdoor toys. Your garden hoses are reconnected, lawn furniture is cleaned and back in use, and you have plenty of sunscreen on hand, don’t to mention some aloe-based lotion just in case. And that’s just a small part of your summer time ritual.

But here’s the question:  is your home as ready for summer for as you are? You see, just as you deep clean in the spring or have your heating system inspected in the fall, it’s equally important to make sure your home is prepared for New Jersey’s hot summer months.

The following list of home maintenance tips should prove useful:

  • Thoroughly clean all interior and exterior windows and inspect for cracks and gaps that could let water and bugs in.
  • Trim back hedges and tree limbs, especially those near your outdoor condensing unit.
  • Inspect your attic, basement or crawlspace for signs of water damage and termites.
  • Power wash your deck and check for loose floor boards or railings.
  • Clean out dryer vents, and check that all hoses are connected properly.
  • Seal cracks in driveways and walk ways.
  • Inspect your roof for loose or damaged shingles.
  • Make sure downspouts are positioned at least 3 feet away from the foundation of your home.
  • Check all garden hoses and spigots for leaks.

And how about your central AC system – is it up to the challenge of keeping your family cool morning, noon, and night this summer? It will be a thorough cleaning and inspection from Anthony’s Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. In fact, our annual preventative home maintenance service helps reduce your energy costs, eliminates most repair worries, and can add years to your AC system’s lifespan. If it’s been a year or longer since your system was last professionally serviced, we invite you to contact Anthony’s today. It’s just one more way we’re delivering added indoor comfort and greater peace of mind.