Sink plunger clearing clogged drain on Thanksgiving Day
Prevent holiday chaos with these simple drain maintenance tips.


All set for Thanksgiving?

Here at Anthony’s Plumbing, Heating & Air, we hope it’s your best ever.

As you know, the day after Thanksgiving is now called Black Friday for all the early holiday season bargains just waiting to be had. But way before Black Friday became a national sales event, plumbing professionals across the land gave it the same name.  Why?  Because it’s our busiest day of the year for clearing clogged drains.

So, to avoid a sticky, gooey mess that can upset even the most festive of occasions, just follow these simple steps:

  • Scrape plates into the trash before placing them in the dishwasher.
  • Don’t dump a lot of gravy, fat from meat, or cooking oils down the drain. They belong in a sealed container you can place in the trash.
  • Keep fibrous foods like asparagus, carrot skins, potato skins, and onion peels out of your garbage disposal.
  • Your disposal isn’t fond of pasta, either…no matter how much you might be.
  • Keep the water on as you put food down the drain or grind it up in the disposal.
  • Don’t overload your drain or disposal…a little at a time produces better results.
  • Keep extra trash bags handy for all the extra food scraps and other item you’ll be disposing of.

Will all these precautions guarantee you a clog-free holiday?  If only we could tell you “yes”.  The fact is, drain clogs can and do happen, and never more than on Black Friday.  If you run into a problem of your own, you know who to call:  Anthony’s.  We’ll the prompt, efficient service our customers have grown to expect.