Turn on the AC, sit back and relax, and enjoy the cool. All summer long, seven days a week.
Simple, right? Well, to an extent, yes. But not that simple. And for that, there’s a simple reason. AC systems don’t last forever. Today’s high efficiency models are built to last about 15 years, while older models generally max out after 10-12 years.
When something does go wrong, it’s likely to be one of the following issues.
System Not Turning On
Check your thermostat batteries when your AC won’t turn on or stops working. Replace the batteries if need be. Or, if the batteries are in working condition, check the thermostat settings to determine whether the cooling mode is on with your desired temperature settings. If your thermostat is on, but your AC is still not turning on, check the circuit breaker.
Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air
An AC filter blocked with dust and dirt can block all or most of the cool air destined for your living spaces. To avoid that problem, clean or replace your filter, on average, every 6 to 8 weeks.
Frozen Outside Unit
Your air conditioner can freeze due to:
- Insufficient airflow
- Low outside temperature
- Low coolant levels
- Blower motor problems
- Stuck contractor
Refrigerant Leak
When the coolant in your air conditioner starts leaking, the temperature will vary, and the unit will not perform accurately. Refrigerant leaks can result in:
- Low efficiency
- High power consumption
- Coil freezing
- Damaged compressor
- Uneven cooling
Noisy Operation
You can discover AC problems as much by listening as you can by feeling. Each of the following sounds suggest a specific problem, so be sure to listen up:
- Hissing – likely caused by a refrigerant leak
- Clicking – a relay problem you’ll hear when turning the system on or off
- Thumping, rattling, or banging noises – problems with a blower or motor assembly.
- Buzzing – faulty electrical components
Leaking Water Outside
Water leaking from your outside unit on a hot, humid day is considered normal. It’s also normal if water leakage occurs when the outdoor temperature is 60 degrees or below. Water leaks can also be caused by one or more of these problems:
- Dirty air filters
- Improper installation
- Blocked drainpipe
- Low coolant levels
- Broken condensate pan
AC Problem Prevention
While AC problems can’t be put off forever, annual preventive maintenance can reduce both their frequency and severity – and yes, sometimes prevent problems for occurring. If it’s been a year or longer since your system was last cleaned and inspected, contact Anthony’s Plumbing, Heating & Air today.