Think about when you purchased your last air conditioning system.  Was the process calm and purposeful, or did you feel rushed because you waited until your old system had completely failed and there was no time to waste?

Nobody wants to be forced into an immediate buying decision because, more often than not, you’re going to end up paying more than you had to and/or not getting everything you bargained for.

Here at Anthony’s, our goal is to exceed your new system expectations, not just meet them.  Here’s how we go about doing that.  First, we urge all our customers to have us perform preventative maintenance on their AC systems at least once a year.  Among other things, that gives us the opportunity to determine the system’s present condition and potential for going forward.

Even if it’s reasonably good shape, the smart move is to start planning to replace it by the time it turns 10 years old and well before it turns 15, as 10-15 years is the normal lifespan.

Are you wasting money by repair or replace? a system before it breaks down?  Not at all, because the money you save on energy costs with a new, high efficiency AC system will more than pay for the new system over time.

Then there’s the question: Is it better to repair or replace?  That can’t be answered in a blog, especially since no two situations are ever the same.  But we can share with you certain

warning signs indicating system replacement might be on the near horizon:

Big spikes in your electricity bills.

If your system is at least 8 years old, chances are it’s cooling your home at no better than 60% of its original energy efficiency.

More frequent and costly repairs.

As your system ages, the repair bills are likely to start adding up. Sometimes, the decision to repair vs. replace is an easy one to make.  But if you hang onto that system long enough, eventually it won’t be worth spending another dime on it.

Hot and cold spots throughout your home.

If your system no longer distributes equal amounts of cool air throughout your home, you’ll want to get that checked out.  Maybe the filter is clogged or you just have a small leak in your air ducts.  Those are problems easily solved.  But if the cause is general system wear and tear, that’s another matter entirely.

At Anthony’s Plumbing, Heating & Air, we’re here to do what’s right your home and budget – always!  So contact us today for a thorough cleaning and inspection of your AC system and honest advice on what more, if anything, needs to be done to ensure your family’s summer-time comfort.